“The greatest of all goals of the human race — in fact it has been our species’ great hope, faith and trust — is that one day we would find the redeeming, reconciling and psychologically healing biological understanding of our ‘good and evil’-conflicted human condition — and, astonishing as it is, through the advances that have been made in science, that dreamed-of understanding of the human condition, and the real transformation of the human race that it makes possible, has finally arrived!”

Biologist Jeremy Griffith

The World Transformation Movement Buenos Aires Centre has been established to support and promote Australian biologist Jeremy Griffith’s life-changing and world-transforming explanation of the underlying issue in all human affairs of the human condition. The Centre works alongside the WTM’s global network to ensure this desperately needed psychologically liberating understanding reaches every human — see HumanCondition.com.

The founder of the Buenos Aires WTM Centre, Sebastián Cillo, is a Physical Therapist with a degree in physiatry (physical therapy) and kinesiology from the University of Buenos Aires in 2001. He has taught at the University of Buenos Aires, Maimónides University and Morón University, and is endorsed by the Psychophysiologic Disorders Association in the USA.

Read the transcript

FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition

FREEDOM is Jeremy Griffith’s definitive presentation of the biological explanation of the human condition needed for the complete understanding of human behaviour and the ultimate amelioration of all the underlying psychosis in human life.

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Book cover of FREEDOM: The End of the Human Condition by Jeremy Griffith - World Transformation Movement

“I once read that the great philosophers each had an acute grasp of their own small piece of an unthinkably huge and interlocking puzzle, but nobody has ever put the pieces together into a single coherent system. Well, that is no longer the case because Jeremy Griffith provides that great unifying, make-sense-of-everything synthesis.”

Professor Harry Prosen, a former President of the Canadian Psychiatric Association

“I have recommended his [Griffith’s] more recent work to my students precisely for his razor-sharp clarifications of positions of contemporary authors like Edward O. Wilson, Richard Dawkins, and Robert Wright. Griffith manages to summarize book-length expositions of these oftentimes obtuse and varying perspectives on human evolution with clarity and brilliance.”

Professor Scott D. Churchill, a former Chair of the Psychology Department, University of Dallas

“Solving the ‘human condition’ has the power to end all of the suffering because it deals with the fundamental insecurity that drives all of human psychosis. FREEDOM has to be the most important book ever written.”

Tim Macartney-Snape, AM OAM, Australian biologist & world-renowned mountaineer

“I am stunned & honored to have lived to see the coming of ‘Darwin II’.”

Professor Stuart Hurlbert, esteemed ecologist and Professor Emeritus of Biology at San Diego State University

Read more Commendations from Thought Leaders

“Jeremy has given us all the understandings and tools to fulfil the human journey, ending all the suffering we are experiencing as individuals, as a society and as a species, bringing peace and light to earth.”

David Garcia, pilot & founder of the WTM Madrid Centre in Spain

“I’m certain this information is the key to ending all the suffering in the world.”

Carlos Cruz Blanco, chemical engineer, Research and Development scientist & founder of the WTM Colombia Centre

“The battle waged within each of the 8 billion people around the world, and all those who came before us, to truly understand ourselves is OVER. Thanks to Jeremy’s integrity, clarity and perseverance, WE are free at last, we have a second chance at living!”

Fabiana Hargreaves da Costa, head of supply at a fashion business & founder of the WTM Rio de Janeiro Centre in Brazil

“People from all over the world are coming together through understanding this information.”

Norma Alge, clinical and health psychologist & founder of the WTM Bregenz Centre in Austria

Read more Endorsements from Centre Founders

“The great questions are those an intelligent child asks and, getting no answers, stops asking.”

Nobel Prize-winning biologist George Wald


Jeremy Griffith’s first principle-based biological explanation of the human condition finally makes it possible to understand our species’ psychologically upset angry, egocentric and alienated state. In doing so, he also makes it possible to appreciate the psychological process of ‘Resignation’ that teenagers go through as they attempt to understand the human condition both within themselves and the world at large

Read Jeremy’s explanation of ‘Resignation’, what he describes as “the most important psychological event to occur in human life and yet one that is very rarely acknowledged and almost never discussed and analysed.”

“The human race has lived a haunted existence, dogged by the dark shadow of its imperfect human condition, forever trying to escape it — the result of which is that we have become immensely superficial and artificial; ‘phony’ and ‘fake’, as resigning adolescents so truthfully described it, and living on the absolute meniscus of life in terms of what we are prepared to look at, feel and consider. We are a profoundly estranged or alienated species, completely blocked-off from the amazing and wonderful real world, and from the truth of our self-corruption that thinking about that beautiful, inspired, natural, soulful world unbearably connects us to.”

Jeremy Griffith in FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition (from chapter 2:3)

Congreso de la Nación Argentina

FREEDOM resurrects the deep all-important questions of life—questions we all once asked when we were children— and for the first time in millions of years, ANSWERS THEM!”

Professor Karen Riley, University professor & clinical pharmacist, and founder of the WTM Toronto Centre, Canada

MUST, MUST WATCH: Craig Conway, the acclaimed British actor, writer, producer and broadcaster — and the founder of WTM North East England Centre — has brought all his skills to bear to produce the ideal introduction to Jeremy Griffith’s explanation of the human condition in this absolutely astonishing, world-changing and world-saving interview with Jeremy. It’s called ‘THE’ Interview because in it Jeremy gives such a concise and accessible summary of his world-saving explanation of the human condition that it’s nothing less than the most important interview of all time!

WTM Global Network

Alongside the original WTM Centre in Sydney, Australia, World Transformation Movement Centres are being established around the world to help bring to everyone the now desperately needed all-relieving and all-explaining biological understanding of the underlying issue in all of human life of our troubled human condition.

Visit the WTM’s Community page to learn more about the formation of these Centres. You can access the following examples of WTM Centre websites by clicking on their images below.

South Pacific WTM Albury website


WTM Tweed Heads
founded by Colleen Fryar

website under construction


UK & Ireland World Transformation Movement Herefordshire website


WTM Bolton
founded by Jack Soden

website under construction


WTM Plymouth
founded by Nick Rule

website under construction


WTM Bialystok
founded by Mariusz Zaleski

website under construction


WTM Frankfurt
founded by Susanne Supper

website under construction


WTM Obdach
founded by Michi (Michael) Bärnthaler

website under construction


WTM Pamplona
founded by Hodei Cia Lizaso

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WTM Slovenia
founded by Ales Flisar

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WTM Seattle
founded by Jeff Palon

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WTM Ethiopia
founded by Tibebe Hailegiorgis

website under construction


WTM Kimberley
founded by Alfred Khaziwa

website under construction


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